Wednesdays 9:00 AM - 7:30 PM
Every vocation in the Church comes from and through Christ Jesus. It is he who calls. Spending time in Eucharistic Adoration with our Divine Lord is a good place to go to ask what he wants with our life. Why not spend some time each week in adoration, in union, in contemplation of the Lord present in the Eucharist?
All are welcome anytime during the adoration period. Guests are asked to sign in when they arrive to help us know how many people participate in this devotion.
The Most Holy Sacrament, when exposed, must never be left unattended, even for the briefest time. For that reason we ask that you prayerfully consider signing up to be a Scheduled Adorer. A Scheduled Adorer will commit to being present before Our Lord for least one hour during Exposition. Your commitment to a specific time slot will help us fill the schedule and ensure that the Most Holy Sacrament will not be left unattended. Our Scheduled Adorers help make Adoration at St. Gregory the Great possible. Thank you!