You may drop off food donations during any weekend in the food bins located in the church Gathering Space. Thank you for your continued generosity.
Saturday Collection Dates
The Knights of Columbus collect food donations at their tent in the parking lot on these Saturdays from 9-11am:
If you or someone you know is in need of food, please do not hesitate to call the Saint Raphael-Holy Angels Parish, Hamilton, NJ at 609-585-3848 or come to a scheduled “Reach Out Saturday." If you would prefer, call to make arrangements to register into the St. Raphael's food pantry. All registrations are held in strict confidence.
The Knights of Columbus Clothing Donation Bins are available for your donations 24/7, all year long. There are two navy bins located on the parish campus for your convenience. All clothing, shoes, sneakers, textiles, linens, bedding and handbags are accepted. Pleas ensure all donations are in decent, reusable condition and securely bagged. Loose clothing may get damaged or wet during pickup. No toys or household items. All donations directly benefit St. Gregory the Great Parish, Academy, KoC and local families/programs in need in Mercer County, because we receive renumeration per pound of donated clothing.